Fort Lauderdale Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

You go to work to support yourself and your family, and you likely do not expect to suffer an injury and wind up in the emergency room. However, millions of people sustain job-related injuries each year, and Florida workers are highly vulnerable.

Whether you were in an accident and suffered an acute injury or developed a long-term medical condition because of your work, immediately speak with a Fort Lauderdale workers’ compensation attorney from Feldman Law.

We can overcome the challenging process of obtaining workers’ comp benefits and try to identify additional sources of compensation that might significantly increase your compensation.

Feldman Law helps injured workers. You can stay focused on your health and allow us to handle the legal process. Reach out to our office today for more information.

The Benefits of Hiring Feldman Law

Fort Lauderdale Workers’ Compensation LawyerWhen you need to get full benefits for a serious workplace injury, you need a serious legal team on your side.

Consult Feldman Law because:

  • Attorney Phil Feldman is a member of the Million Dollar & Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum because he obtains high–value results for clients.
  • Super Lawyers selected and recognized Feldman in recent years.
  • As an offshore powerboat racer and helicopter pilot, Attorney Feldman understands how machines and vehicles work, which often assists in presenting a workers’ compensation claim.

Feldman Law has obtained many six- and seven-figure settlements and awards for injured workers, including $4.7 million for a client who was paralyzed from a fall on the job. We can advise your options and what you might expect, so please seek a free case evaluation today.

Injury Risks for Fort Lauderdale Workers

Fort Lauderdale is famous for its beautiful beaches and tourist attractions. However, like any other city, residents must work to earn a living, which exposes them to risks of injuries. Once known strictly as a tourism-based economy, Fort Lauderdale now supports a diverse range of industries, including marine, manufacturing, finance, insurance, real estate, high technology, avionics and aerospace, and film and television production.

No one in any type of job is completely immune to workplace injuries, and different industries carry varying levels of risk.

  • The construction industry employs a large number of workers in Fort Lauderdale, and it is also one of the riskiest industries for injuries. Some common accidents include falls from heights, scaffolding collapses, equipment malfunctions, vehicle crashes, and more.
  • The hospitality industry also poses risks for workers. Hotel and restaurant workers may suffer injuries from slips, trips, and falls, burns, cuts, and strains, among other hazards. Workers in the hospitality industry may also experience musculoskeletal disorders due to repetitive tasks and awkward postures.
  • The healthcare industry also carries inherent risks. Healthcare workers have exposure to infectious diseases, bloodborne pathogens, and chemical hazards, among others. These workers may also suffer injuries from patient handling and lifting, resulting in musculoskeletal disorders.
  • The transportation industry also poses risks to workers, including those in the trucking and delivery services. Workers may suffer injuries from vehicle accidents, slips, trips, and falls, as well as overexertion from loading and unloading heavy items.

Fort Lauderdale workers face varying risks depending on the jobs they do, though injuries are possible in even the seemingly safest work environment. Even office workers can develop injuries over time or slip and fall in the office building, causing serious acute injuries.

Your industry and its relative risks should never affect your rights to workers’ compensation benefits. Feldman Law represents workers injured in many different jobs, and we can assess your legal options and rights to benefits.

Your Rights to Workers’ Compensation as an Injured Worker in Fort Lauderdale

Workers’ compensation is a form of insurance that provides benefits to employees who suffer injuries or illnesses arising out of and in the course of their employment. In Fort Lauderdale, as in most other places, workers’ compensation is mandatory for most employers. As an injured worker, you have rights to workers’ compensation benefits, and you should understand these rights to ensure that you receive the compensation you need.

First and foremost, always report your injury to your employer as soon as possible. Under Florida law, you must report your injury within 30 days of the accident or within 30 days of discovering your injury, or you may lose your right to workers’ compensation benefits. Your employer should provide you with a claim form, which you must complete and submit to your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance company.

Once your attorney submits your claim, the workers’ compensation insurance company will review it and either accept or deny your claim. If you receive a denial, you have the right to file an appeal and request a hearing before a judge. At the hearing, your workers’ comp lawyer will have the opportunity to present evidence and arguments to support your claim.

A successful workers’ comp claim means you will receive certain benefits under Florida law.

These benefits include:

  • Medical treatment
  • Lost income
  • Compensation for any permanent impairment or disability resulting from your injury.

You also have the right to choose your own doctor for your medical treatment. However, your employer’s insurance company may require you to see a doctor of their choice for an independent medical examination.

In addition to these rights, you have certain protections under the law as an injured worker. The law prohibits your employer from retaliating against you for filing a workers’ compensation claim, and you may have a legal claim against your employer if they do retaliate against you. You also have the right to consult with an attorney to help you navigate the workers’ compensation system and ensure that you fully exercise your rights.

There are strict time limits for filing a workers’ compensation claim in Fort Lauderdale. You must report your injury to your employer within 30 days, and you generally have two years from the date of your injury to file a claim. Failing to meet these deadlines may result in the loss of your right to workers’ compensation benefits.

As an injured worker in Fort Lauderdale, you have important rights to workers’ compensation benefits, including medical treatment, lost income, and compensation for permanent impairment or disability. You should always report your injury to your employer promptly, submit a claim form, and seek legal advice.

Feldman Law is ready to assist you.

Personal Injury Claims for Workplace Injuries

Injured workers can obtain benefits without proving fault for their injuries. In exchange for these benefits, the law prohibits workers from filing injury claims against their employers for negligence. The law does not, however, prohibit injured workers from filing personal injury claims against negligent third parties unaffiliated with their employers.

Many workplace injuries can lead to third-party claims, and some common injury cases stem from:

  • Defective equipment that malfunctions
  • Another driver crashes into you while you are driving for work
  • A driver hits you in a road work zone
  • Contractors are unsafe on a job site

Always allow our law firm to explore the possibility of a third-party injury claim. Through this claim, you can seek additional damages for your total income loss and intangible losses like pain and suffering. Filing a successful injury insurance claim or lawsuit can provide additional compensation to cover your losses.

The process often involves filing an insurance claim, negotiating a fair settlement, and filing a lawsuit in civil court when necessary. You want the right attorney handling your case, and Feldman Law does what it takes to obtain the highest possible compensation for every client.

Job-Related Injuries

Injuries at work vary widely, but some common medical problems from jobs include:

  • Soft tissue sprains, strains, and tears
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Concussions and traumatic brain injuries
  • Puncture wounds
  • Burns
  • Electrical injuries
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Fractures
  • Vision and hearing loss
  • Toxic exposure
  • Repetitive motion injuries

If you are in an accident or suspect you have developed a work-related condition, you should report the matter to your employer and get the medical treatment you need. Then, you should always seek a legal consultation with a workers’ compensation attorney from Feldman Law. We can advise you of all possible legal remedies and coverage available based on your circumstances.

Common Challenges With Florida Workers’ Compensation Claims

While Florida workers’ compensation law provides important protections for injured workers, the claims process can be complicated and challenging. Some common challenges injured workers may face when filing a workers’ compensation claim in Florida are below.

Denial of Claims

One of the most significant challenges that injured workers face is the denial of their workers’ compensation claims. Insurance companies may deny a claim for a variety of reasons, including a lack of sufficient evidence, questions about the cause of the injury, or disputes over the severity of the injury. In such cases, the injured worker may need to file an appeal and go through the hearing process to get their claim approved.

Delays in Receiving Benefits

Injured workers may also experience delays in receiving their workers’ compensation benefits. Insurance companies may delay payments for various reasons, including a lack of documentation or disputes over the extent of the worker’s injuries. These delays can create significant financial difficulties for injured workers who may be unable to work while they recover from their injuries.

Insufficient Medical Treatment

Another challenge that injured workers may face is insufficient medical treatment. While injured workers have the right to choose their own doctor for their medical treatment, the insurance company may try to steer them toward their own preferred doctors, who may be more likely to downplay the severity of the injury or recommend less extensive treatment than the worker needs.

Inadequate Benefits

Finally, some injured workers may receive inadequate benefits for their injuries. While workers’ compensation benefits should cover medical treatment, lost income, and compensation for permanent impairment or disability, these benefits may not always be sufficient to cover all of the costs associated with a workplace injury. Workers who believe they are not receiving adequate benefits should work with our law firm to pursue additional compensation.

How Our Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Can Help You

Fort Lauderdale Workers’ Compensation Lawyer While the process of seeking workers’ compensation benefits might seem straightforward, in reality, workers can come up against many obstacles. Insurance companies want to avoid paying maximum benefits to claimants, and they have many tactics to limit their liability for work injuries.

Insurance companies might:

  • Claim your injuries were pre-existing or not work-related
  • Downplay the severity of your injuries
  • State that you received unnecessary medical treatment
  • State that you missed more work than necessary for your injuries
  • Offer a lump-sum settlement that is less than you need and deserve

Insurance adjusters might misinterpret something you say and use your comments to reduce or deny your benefits. They might have investigators seeking any information that indicates you are not as injured as you claim.

Any time you communicate with insurers, you risk jeopardizing your claim. When you hire a workers’ comp lawyer to represent you, all communications will go through our legal team, and we know exactly what to say or not say to obtain maximum compensation for you.

If you need to file a third-party claim, you will also deal with insurance companies trying to avoid liability. We will handle both claims for you and ensure we secure the most favorable outcome possible.

Speak With a Fort Lauderdale Workers’ Compensation Attorney Today

Workplace injuries are common and costly. If this recently happened to you, you should seek a professional assessment of your legal rights. You might deserve more compensation than you realize, and you cannot trust insurance companies to provide proper coverage.

Never accept an offer from an insurance company without a legal consultation. Instead, report your injuries to your employer, seek medical help, and then discuss your situation with Feldman Law. Our firm regularly represents seriously injured workers and secures significant workers’ compensation benefits and third-party compensation.

Contact our office today at (877) FELDMAN to learn more about our firm and your legal options. Case evaluations are always cost-free and risk-free.

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